Roundtable “Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood: Divining the Domestic and Security/Foreign Policy Priorities of Ukraine’s Next Verhovna Rada” was held in Washington, DC
24 September 2014 14:47

On September 23, 2014, the University club of DC hosted Roundtable “Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood: Divining the Domestic and Security/Foreign Policy Priorities of Ukraine’s Next Verhovna Rada”, arranged by the Center of US-Ukraine relations, chaired by Wolodymyr Zarycky.

The representatives of governments, parliaments, think-tanks, media of Ukraine and the US participated in the event.

In his opening remarks,  Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. Olexander Motsyk, who stressed that “the events in Ukraine not only have global magnitude – how they further develop will also have global consequences and will affect everyone, no matter how near or far”.

The closing remarks were made by the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukrainian government O.Sych.

During 4 sessions of the roundtable the priorities of interior, foreign and security policy of Ukraine were discussed from the perspective of the political parties which run for the Ukrainian parliament and their assessment by the leading American experts.

During the event the representative of the U.S. State Department A.Kasanof made remarks on the topic “Why a free, stable and prosperous Ukraine matters – U.S. government perspective”. 


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