Ukrainian Brands D.C. Summit took place at the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA
13 October 2017 17:20

This event was a joint effort of the Embassy, U.S. trade association Food Marketing Institute and Ukrainian league of industrialists and entrepreneurs.

Minister of Finance Oleksandr Danyliuk in his welcoming address to the participants focused on the Government’s policy to create a favorable climate for doing business in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Brands D.C. Summit has become a platform for establishing contacts between Ukrainian food companies and U.S. food retailers and wholesalers - members of the Food Marketing Institute, whose annual sales exceed 770 billion dollars.

There is a significant interest of American businesses in Ukrainian products after B2B meetings within the Summit.

Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly addressed the participants and stressed the extreme importance of promoting Ukrainian exports abroad through the entering new markets for Ukrainian goods and services.

He noted that the increasing of volume and expanding the geography of Ukrainian exports is the key to a strong economy.

Valeriy Chaly also emphasized the U.S. market is very promising for the Ukrainian manufacturers.

Ukrainian Brands D.C. Summit has become an important practical step towards promoting Ukrainian exports to the U.S. market and expanding bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

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