The Government of the United States of America, acting through the U.S. Trade and Development Agency ("USTDA") This entered into Grant Agreement between AC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” Under the terms of this Grant Agreement USTDA agrees to provide to the Ukrainian side US$723,659 to fund the cost of goods and services required for technical assistance on the proposed Pilot Gas Condensate Production project at the Kotlyarevske field of the Poltava region of Ukraine. This is the first Grant Agreement between US Government and Ukraine in the energy sector/
There are conditions for the presence of gas condensate deposits in the lower layers of the field. Under the Agreement the Contractor will evaluate production capacity, select the necessary technology and prepare the feasibility study for attracting investments for further development of the Project. The experienced that will be gained at this Pilot Project will be applied to other low debit gas fields in Ukraine that will contribute to the energy security of our country.