A film screening of the documentary film “Escape from the Russians” took place at the US Capitol. The film was created by the Ukrainian investigative journalism agency Slidstvo.Info.
The film features the story of 16-year-old Masha and 18-year-old Nastya from Kherson, who were deported by the Russians from then-occupied Kherson to occupied Crimea, and how journalist Yulia Khymeryk from "Slidstvo.Info" helped them return home.
The film screening and a panel with the participation of Congressmembers, the heroines of the film, and the editor-in-chief of “Slidstvo.Info” Nastya Stanko continued discussions regarding Russian war crimes against Ukrainian children.
In her opening remarks, Ambassador Oksana Markarova thanked the audience for their support of Ukraine, and their interest in the new film.
She also thanked the creators for their work on the documentary, which will deepen audiences’ understanding of events in Ukraine related to the forced deportation of Ukrainian children by the Russians.
The event was co-organized by the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA in cooperation with members of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus.
We price Co-chair of the caucus - Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur and Chairman of the Helsinki Commission - Congressman Joe Wilson - for their leadership in supporting Ukraine and powerful and inspiring addresses during the screening and panel discussion.