On May 8, 2013, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Leonid Kozhara met in the U.S. Congress with Chairman of Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Dana Rohrabacher.
The parties discussed prospects for further development of Ukraine-U.S. strategic partnership, in particular in the spheres of energy, science and technologies, space and agriculture. They also exchanged views on launching new mutually beneficial projects.
L.Kozhara informed the U.S. Congressman of the systemic reforms in Ukraine and our country’s efforts to sign the Association and Free Trade Agreement with the EU this November, which would serve the interests of both Ukraine and the European Union. The Ukrainian Minister expressed hope for the continuing support of the United States of Ukraine’s European aspirations.
In the photo: Chairman of Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Dana Rohrabacher and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Leonid Kozhara