В офіційній резиденції для гостей Президента США «Блер-хауз» відбулося прийняття на честь Посла України Олега Шамшура з нагоди завершення його роботи у Вашингтоні
26 May 2010 16:34

On May 26, 2010 the U.S. Department of State held a farewell reception honoring Ambassador of Ukraine Oleh Shamshur in the historic American site «Blair House».

The event was opened with welcoming address by Chief of Protocol of the United States Capricia Marshall. Among attendees were Co-chair of the Ukrainian Congressional Caucus Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, as well as other distinguished representatives of the White House, U.S. Congress, State Department and the NSC, Ukrainian-American community, think-tanks and non-governmental organizations.

Ambassador Shamshur expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the American political elite for a fruitful cooperation and for their contribution to the cause of strengthening the U.S.-Ukraine relations that evolve as a genuine strategic partnership.

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