On December 17, 2015 Ambassador of Ukraine to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly took part in the US-Ukraine Business Council 20th Anniversary Luncheon.
In the Ambassador’s address to honorable guests he expressed appreciation to the US-Ukraine Business Council, representatives of business community and former American Ambassadors to Ukraine for their lasting support of our country and significant role in expanding US-Ukraine trade and investment cooperation.
Valeriy Chaly informed participants of the meeting about the current situation in Ukraine, President’s initiatives, Ukrainian Government’s activity in 2015, and economic policy priorities within the President’s "2020 Reforms Strategy". The Ambassador summarized reforms results in Ukraine and underlined new opportunities for trade, economic and investment cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in 2016.
Morgan Williams, President of the USUBC, stressed on a fruitful mutually advantageous cooperation between Ukraine and the United States and expressed confidence in further prospects for American business in extending their activities in our country.
More than 80 representatives of the US economic authorities, key American think-tanks and leading U.S. companies participated in the meeting, including: AGCO Corporation, DuPont Pioneer, Coca-Cola Company, Amstead Rail, Monsanto, CNH Industrial, Baker & McKenzie, Bunge, Visa, Cargill and others.