At the public event organized by the Global Minnesota and Humphrey School of Public Affairs Ambassador Valeriy Chaly presented his vision of US - Ukraine relations, latest trends in Ukrainian economy, geopolitical aspects of continuing Russian aggression
16 May 2017 06:38

In his speech, the Ambassador underlined challenges faced by Ukraine - it has to fight a war with Russia and its proxies at the East, to hold one`s ground in the illegal occupation of the Crimea, and to undertake intense and unprecedented internal reforms across a number of sectors.

Regarding hybrid war, waged by Russia in the Eastern part of our country, Ambassador Chaly stressed that Ukraine is actively seeking peaceful resolution by implementing the Minsk Agreement as well as trying to protect itself by legal instruments under various UN Conventions and Treaties. But two years since Minsk, Russia has not implemented a single provision of its obligation. Ambassador stressed, that the cease-fire, often reported as the “generally observed”, in real terms means from ten to a hundred of daily fire attacks. Valeriy Chaly stressed that united Ukrainian patriots fight not only for their country and their civilizational choice but defend Europe and fight for restoration of the international order.

Valeriy Chaly presented tangible results of comprehensive transformations in Ukraine, outlined progress in developing strong democratic institutions, massive business oriented deregulation campaign, creating innovative electronic public procurement system as well as establishment of efficiently functioning anti-corruption system based on the best world practices.

Special attention was paid on recovery of Ukrainian economy and new business opportunities for foreign investors on a raising market.

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