Ambassador Oksana Markarova on Fox News: Ukraine's Path to a Just and Sustainable Peace
14 January 2025 23:12

In the Fox News studio with Bret Baier on January 14, 2025, Ambassador Oksana Markarova discussed Ukraine's vision of a just peace and its cooperation with the new U.S. Administration.

Key points:

  • No one wants peace more than Ukrainians, but peace must be just and sustainable.
  • The war will end when Putin realizes he can no longer wage it—strong military support and tougher sanctions must be central to the Peace through Strength strategy.
  • Every life, every meter of Ukrainian land, and every shattered child's future is too high a price for Ukraine to pay while defending itself from Russian aggression. Putin, who started this war, can stop it at any time—but he refuses to.
  • Ukraine remains committed to the accountable and responsible use of the weapons and support provided by its allies.

Watch here

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