Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy congratulated President Donald Trump on his inauguration
20 January 2025 18:56

"I congratulate President Trump and the American people on the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States. Today is a day of change and also a day of hope for the resolution of many problems, including global challenges.

President Trump is always decisive, and the peace through strength policy he announced provides an opportunity to strengthen American leadership and achieve a long-term and just peace, which is the top priority.

This century is being shaped right now, and we must all work together to ensure that it is a great and successful century for democracies, not those who want us to fail.

We wish you success, President Trump! We look forward to active and mutually beneficial cooperation. We are stronger together, and we can provide greater security, stability, and economic growth to the world and our two nations."

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