Sam Nunn and NTI appreciate the role of Ukraine in strengthening nuclear security
22 May 2013 19:17

In a letter from the American non-governmental organization "Nuclear Threat Initiative» (NTI), Sam Nunn, a former senator and co-founder of the "Nunn-Lugar Program." expressed to the Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA Olexander Motsyk his deep appreciation for the recent steps taken by Ukraine to remove stocks of weapons-usable nuclear materials from the territory of our country. Sam Nunn notes that Ukraine has demonstrated outstanding leadership and serves as an important example of how governments should take steps to reduce nuclear dangers.

In January 2012 NTI released the NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, the first of its kind publication of the public assessment of nuclear materials security conditions in 176 countries. In a year after publication of the Index, more and more countries are taking measures to reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism and smuggling of nuclear materials. In 2013 NTI prepared a report on progress in the global effort to safeguard all sensitive nuclear materials and set priorities for the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit. Among the achievements the report mention examples Austria, Mexico and Ukraine, which completely got rid of all nuclear weapons materials from their territories.

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